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High Quality Vanilla Beans

our history

Rajon Vanilla Limited

Rajon Vanilla is a Uganda based vanilla growing and export company. We source our beans from the fertile hills of Kigezi region in western Uganda. Within:
Vanilla Farm Tour
Vanilla Beans Farm

The Founders

Rajon Vanilla was a brilliant idea birthed by two friends, Rajiv Ruparelia and Bahizi Jonathan Buteera who later turned this idea into a lucrative business opportunity that has contributed to the livelihood of many farmers and their families.
As partners and great friends, they have collectively harnessed their passion for business and have successfully birthed and grown Rajon Vanilla into a force to reckon with in the Regional Vanilla industry.
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Our Core Values

How do we do what we do

So how do we get ready to use vanilla from beans?

Once the beans have been harvested by the farmers, they then go into a strict stringent curing process which gets them from the green beans as they were harvested to the dark brown beans that are exported. Our team ensures that while the beans are with the processing team, all measures of sanitation and hygiene are maintained. The beans are boiled in hot water, sun dried, handpicked, and carefully assessed to ensure that only high-quality beans are packed.

Our core values at Rajon Vanilla are consistency, quality assurance and transparency and we have these at the back of our minds for every bean we handle. When supplying on a small scale, that is retail, we pack two beans per tube which would be meant for the day-to-day shopping done by the walk to the corner shops or neighbourhood supermarkets. This tube has a shelf life of over a year if stored under the right conditions. When supplying on a slightly larger scale, we pack 12 beans per tube. Our target market here is coffee shops, ice cream parlours, pastry shops, restaurants. The bigger entities that would require to buy vanilla in bulk, we set up the required consignment on order in air tight packaging to maintain quality during freight. This applies to the market of industrial companies such as vanilla extract companies, perfume companies and ice cream companies. Speaking to capacity, as per previous export statistics for 2019 and 2020, Uganda exported 159 metric tons in 2019 and 170 metric tons in 2020. Uganda in 2020 exported 13.3 million dollars worth of vanilla making it the 10th largest exporter of vanilla in the world. Uganda is definitely a key player in the vanilla industry but we know its potential has not been achieved and that is what Rajon Vanilla is here to do. Our vision is to become the biggest vanilla exporters in the market. Considering the fact that this company is part of the Ruparelia group, one of the biggest business conglomerates in East Africa, we are confident that our vison will come to life. We aim at initiating our business experience to streamline the systems that govern the vanilla business.

Why Choose Us

Many people prefer vanilla over other flavors. It has the potential to benefit your hair, skin, and general wellness. Find out more about vanilla and its advantages here.

Business Partners

Rajon Vanilla has distributed quality high grade Vanilla beans to many players in the industry, both local and international. From numerous countries like; - America, Japan, France, Sweden, Portugal, Netherlands, Tanzania, India among others.
